giovedì 4 gennaio 2024

Rituals 2024



Ritual II Embrace The Darkness

26.01 Fontanafredda, Astro with Kariti
08.03 Milano, Teatro Linguaggicreativi
14.03 Bologna, AtelierSi
23.03 Firenze, Circolo Arci Progresso with Naresh Ran
20.04 Rimini, Supernova Festival
17.05 Catania, Teatro Coppola
18.07 Sant'Antioco, Inaudito Errante

Album and book presentation
03.02 Vigevano, Auditorium San Dionigi Album and book presentation
14.03 Bologna, AtelierSi with Laura Gemini
10.05 Roma, Tuba in conversation with: Paola Granato, Giulia Ferrato e Anna Basti sarà presente anche Giulio Di Mauro (Photographer and Videomaker of Embrace The Darkness)

Art Residency
22.04/ 05.05 Cross Festival, New Ritual residency Ritual III Whisper

More are coming

venerdì 3 novembre 2023

New Album out November 25th


 A timeless glimpse into the artistic sphere of Stefania aka Alos. It allows you to listen and look through
her lense, her senses.
And ultimately feel what Stromboli's nature was trying to tell her. Be it a cave, or vulcano, ?Alos is the
ultimate vehicle to take you out of yourself and into that other essential being. The last years have
made her see and unsee the depths of life, and she has her story to tell. The world and we, as
witnesses, are blessed with the presence of the archaic motherartist and modern witch that she is.
She has our story to tell. Embrace the Darkness and worship the Light.
– CHVE (Amenra)
Through the new Videoclip Embrace The Darkneed by Giulio Di Mauro, I am extremely happy to announce that my new album “Embrace The Darkness” come out November 25th via Dio Drone and Archaeological Records , 12-inch vinyl record embellished by a 36 pages art book published by Occulto . The album was born out from the meeting between Alos and the island of Stromboli, during a practice-based artistic residency in summer 2022 at Maroni Festival.
Six tracks merged into one single magma of sounds, live-recorded in different parts of the island, using voice, modular synthesizers, glass art-objects, bells and volcanic stones.

All sounds in the record, both acoustic or electronic, were registered live by Marcello Batelli in various, mainly natural locations on the Stromboli island, like Sciara del Fuoco and the cave of Aeolus. Batelli’s work with sound donates outstanding depth and life to the first claustrophobic, then liberatory atmospheres created by Alos’ on-site performance. The artist’s book is the visual counterpart of the record, featuring photos and videostills shot by Giulio Di Mauro, and expands the narration in a polyphonic direction thanks to text contributes by Marcello Baltelli, Francesca R.Y.F Morello, Alice Cannavà, Giulio Di Mauro, Naresh Ran, and Klaus Miser among others. The release date of the Embrace the Darkness edition is November 25th, 2023, the 680th anniversary of a tsunami caused by a volcanic eruption in Stromboli in 1343.
Order it here
Rituals and Album presentations:
25 - 26.11 Milano, Sprint Art Book Fair
09.12 Macerata, Circolo Dong With dj set by Carolina Martines and Lester Mann
13.12 Ravenna, Galleria Magazzeno Album and book presentation, in conversatio with Rhuena Bracci from  Gruppo Nanou 
26.01 Fontanafredda, Astro with Kariti
03.02 Vigevano, Auditorium San Dionigi Album and book presentation
08.03 Milano, Teatro Linguaggicreativi
14.03 Bologna, AtelierSi

Italian press office Doppio Clic Promotions
International press office Digipur

This is not a project about a volcano, this is about being the volcano. – NARESH RAN (Dio Drone)

It is empowering to hear her voice today, It is a meditation that goes beyond the record and through
the photos and texts.
– LEAH BUCKAREFF (Nadja, Psychedelic Choir, Pulp Paper)
ALOS: vocals, modular synthesizers, artistic glass objects, bells and volcanic stones. Performed live by ALOS aka STEFANIA PEDRETTI in various locations in Stromboli (Italy), during an artist residency at Marosi 2022. 
Recordings and mixing by Marcello Batelli.
 Mastering by Giuseppe Ielasi. 
Photography and visuals by Giulio Di Mauro.
 Illustrations by Gio Pistone. 
Layout by Naresh Ran.
Embrace the Darkness - Artist’s book
36 pages / English
Photos by Giulio Di Mauro.
Illustrations by Gio Pistone.
Texts by Stefania Alos Pedretti, Naresh Ran, Klaus Miser, Marcello Batelli, Giulia Ferrato, Giulio Di Mauro, Francesca R.Y.F. Morello, Alice Cannavà.
Designed and edited by Alice Cannavà.
Published by Occulto, 2023

I know Stefania since Allun times. ‘Embrace The Darkness’ is her most mature and deep work. Thank
you Ste, your artistic path deep and unique gave us another treasure. – XABIER IRIONDO
(Afterhours,Buñuel, Six Minute War Madness, A Short Apnea and many more..)

EMBRACE THE DARKNESS ‘Everything - the light, the dark, the beauty, the pain - is perfect just as it is’ 

mercoledì 26 luglio 2023

mercoledì 21 settembre 2022

Ritual II Embrace The Darkness IS ALIVE

 How to destroy the verb? By throwing it into the mouth of a volcano, by drowning the words in the shadows and rotting vegetal proliferation, by throwing them into the volutes of fire hidden in clouds of black smoke.

Ritual II Embrace the Darkness How to destroy the verb? By throwing it into the mouth of a volcano, by drowning the words in the shadows and rotting vegetal proliferation, by throwing them into the volutes of fire hidden in clouds of black smoke.
Choosing places for the symbolic value of their light, thus beginning to work on a ritual that is created at the same time as and in proximity to a volcanic eruption.
Because, linking up with the semiotics of dreaming, the volcano has a symbology that incorporates the meanings of the four fundamental natural elements: fire (the magma, the lava), air (the profusion of gas, smoke and ash that it projects upwards, into the sky), water (the water vapour that it expels, as well as the flow of lava down its sides) and earth: the volcano is the mountain that connects the depths of the Earth (unconscious) to the sky (conscious thought).
This Ritual II aims to “explore the opposites, the two ends of the Whole. Because “everything – the light, the dark, the beauty, the pain – is perfect just as it is.”
The live performance is a ritual, a collective experience, a sound and emotional journey.
Alos feels the time has come to go beyond herself, to take a step back. Interrupting again the linearity of design thought, seeking the path to understanding abstract thought, with ever greater determination.
Not a personal growth path, nor a collective healing practice, nor the accurate explanation of a profound insight, but the enactment of abstract thinking.

Ritual performance _ Stefania ?Alos Pedretti
Recordings_ Marcello Batelli
Photos and videos_ Giulio Di Mauro
Assistant_ Francesca Morello
Glass Object_ Silvia LevensonNatalia Saurin
Concept advisor_ Archeological Records
Lenz Teatro and Into the Volcano: multidisciplinary artistic residency_ Marosi Stromboli

martedì 28 giugno 2022

Ritual II Embrace the Darkness News

This week at LENZ Fondazione LENZ Performing and Visual Arts Foundation Parma
28-29-30 h 17.30-20.30 workshop Voice and Ritual open to everyone

Next week 6-7-8 JULY h 21
Ritual II Embrace the Darkness
How to destroy the verb? By throwing it into the mouth of a volcano, by drowning the words in the shadows and rotting vegetal proliferation, by throwing them into the volutes of fire hidden in clouds of black smoke.
Choosing places for the symbolic value of their light, thus beginning to work on a ritual that is created at the same time as and in proximity to a volcanic eruption.
Because, linking up with the semiotics of dreaming, the volcano has a symbology that incorporates the meanings of the four fundamental natural elements: fire (the magma, the lava), air (the profusion of gas, smoke and ash that it projects upwards, into the sky), water (the water vapour that it expels, as well as the flow of lava down its sides) and earth: the volcano is the mountain that connects the depths of the Earth (unconscious) to the sky (conscious thought).
This Ritual II aims to “explore the opposites, the two ends of the Whole. Because “everything – the light, the dark, the beauty, the pain – is perfect just as it is.”
The live performance is a ritual, a collective experience, a sound and emotional journey.
Alos feels the time has come to go beyond herself, to take a step back. Interrupting again the linearity of design thought, seeking the path to understanding abstract thought, with ever greater determination.
Not a personal growth path, nor a collective healing practice, nor the accurate explanation of a profound insight, but the enactment of abstract thinking.
Ritual performance _ Stefania ?Alos Pedretti
Recordings_ Marcello Batelli
Photos and videos_ Giulio Di Mauro
Assistant_ Francesca Morello
Glass Object_ Silvia LevensonNatalia Saurin
Concept advisor_ Archeological Records
Into the Volcano: multidisciplinary artistic residency_ Marosi Stromboli

martedì 22 marzo 2022

News 2022

 Live 2022

The Chaos Awakening Ritual:
29.04 Kuftain  (A) "The Art of Solo 2022"  Internationale Musikfestival

Special events Artistic Residence: 
June  Marosi Festival Stromboli (I) 
June Lenz Fondazione, Parma (I)

Sono FELICISSIMA di poter annunciare che da Giugno inizierò a lavorare al mio prossimo Ritual attraverso un percorso di residenze e molto altro.
Il viaggio inizierà il 7 Giugno a Stromboli ospite di Marosi Stromboli Festival curato da Giulia Ferrato e Anna Basti e si svilupperà poi a Parma da LENZ Fondazione di cui sono Artista Associata per il progetto GEOSOFIE E BESTIARI NEL TEATRO DI LENZ insieme a Annamaria Ajmone – danzatrice e coreografa, Monica Barone – danzatrice e Jan Voxel - collettivo di arte politica multidisciplinare.
TRIENNIO 2022.2024
Direzione artistica Maria Federica Maestri + Francesco Pititto
Dodici artiste associate verranno invitate, nell’arco del triennio, a co-produrre dodici percorsi che indagheranno i temi dei ruoli di genere, antispecismo, ecofemminismo, superamento dei dualismi. Ibridando filosofia, mitologia, scienze e arti, l’ambito di studi di riferimento sarà il corpus teorico della filosofa americana Donna Haraway nella direzione dell’avvento del chtulucene tramite la creazione di PARENTELE basate sul riconoscimento di affinità e differenze e possibilità di coesistenza. Il progetto prevede l’articolazione del programma in residenze e produzioni nazionali ed internazionali, laboratori e seminari transdisciplinari, presentazione spettacoli.
Lenz ha intessuto relazioni con altre realtà artistiche nazionali e internazionali, dal 1996, all’interno dello spazio di ospitalità e coproduzione denominato Natura Dèi Teatri. Si tratta di una nuova fase del progetto transdisciplinare con indagine tematica triennale: il progetto prevede un programma di azioni realizzate ad hoc a partire da Residenze e Produzioni nazionali ed internazionali e da Seminari transdisciplinari. Nel triennio 22-24 si focalizzeranno sulle pratiche e le teorie delle autrici per ridisegnare una cartografia interpretativa dei linguaggi contemporanei, proiettandone l’orizzonte nel grande campo dell’alterazione sensibile, per una costante azione rimodellante e rivivificante della grammatica performativa oltre i ruoli ed il binarismo di genere. Per il 2022 si realizzeranno i progetti residenziali di quattro artist*: Annamaria Ajmone – danzatrice e coreografa, Stefania ?Alos Pedretti – musicista e performer, Monica Barone – danzatrice, Jan Voxel - collettivo di arte politica multidisciplinare
Produttore associato e molto più Archaeological Records

lunedì 24 maggio 2021

Summer Rituals


27.05 Bologna Tank - Serbatoio Culturale 
30.05 Milano Cascina Torchiera D.P.C.M. Diritti Persone Cultura Musica
26.06 Parma Rassegna Natura dei Teatri, Lenz
28.06 Roma Bar India  Teatro India - Teatro di Roma  
03.07 RAAME  Prati Dispari festival 
17.07 AltreterRE  Art Festival (special Ritual in collaboration of Coward Records)
more are coming...